
Weekly Horoscope (Capricorn)

(December 23 - January 19)
April 28, 2024 to May 4, 2024

You can speed things up a bit on the 28th, 29th, and 30th, but don’t expect others to keep up with you. Prepare to work alone, and you’ll find the best route forward and enjoy the results: the less interference, the better the outcome. You stand to make personal and financial gains if you are true to yourself and you do what’s best for you. Don’t get involved in shared expenses or joint ventures on the 1st and 2nd. Property expenses and lowering your overhead will be challenging to do if you let someone close to you use emotional manipulation to talk you into overspending. Do what’s best for you on the 3rd and 4th. A move, home improvement, or investment opportunity will pay off. Romance is favored.

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