

  • As much as possible, create an atmosphere of tranquility in your immediate environment.
  • Sit poised in front of your computer screen with an upright posture.
  • Breathe deeply and regularly.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Think about the reasons why you are consulting the I Ching
  • Compose your question in your mind.
  • Click on the appropriate button to activate the coin toss.
  • Select the category that you are interested in.
  • Your reading and interpretation will appear on your computer screen in real time. The answer you receive -- the first answer -- is the true answer.
  • If desired you can continue to click on further coin tosses. Subsequent tosses should be on different areas of life.

Concentrate on your concern and when you feel the moment is right, click the department at below you would like guidance in.

Learn More About I-Ching

In the ancient days (thousands of years ago), the practice of the I Ching was a science that required many years of intense study and experience. The I Ching was not comprehensible to the average individual. It was written in an ancient, classical language that only a few, highly educated individuals were able to read and understand. 

The I Ching practitioners were great and venerable scholars who were both priests and philosophers. They occupied a revered and exalted position in their communities. It was to them that people came when there were changes or difficulties in their lives they did not know how to respond to. The I Ching master functioned as an interpreter, "casting" the I Ching in order to provide "readings" that they would then interpret and pass on, in order to help people live their lives happily and safely.

The casting of the I Ching, traditionally, involved the use of 50 yarrow stalks or three coins, preferably belonging to the customer. It was said that the coins, having been close to the owner's body, had absorbed some of his or her energy. This energy would contribute to the accuracy of the reading and have a positive effect on the interpretation. 

These days, in an age of burgeoning and omnipresent technology, coins need no longer be used. The computer is the best medium for use in arriving at the I Ching interpretations. Personal computers are especially effective, and produce the best results, for the same reasons that the coins carried by the customer did in ancient days. A personal computer, having been used by the same individual for a period of time, has, in a similar way, absorbed personal energy. It can therefore give a more specific and detailed reading.

Traditionally, the I Ching ceremony consisted of the following: Three coins were placed in an empty turtle shell, which was then gently emptied by the customer on to a table. Corresponding to the "heads and tails" of the three coins and the various ways they landed, facing up or down, the I Ching master would compose either solid horizontal lines or a broken horizontal lines for each. Such a line is called a "yao". Six tosses therefore would result in two trigrams, each consisting of three yaos and each representing a different natural element. Together the two trigrams compose the hexagram. The hexagram is read and interpreted in order to give individuals insight into their present situation. After the initial interpretation, another hexagram follows as a result of some of the yaos changing. This second hexagram provides a second set of readings to enable people the handle the changes that are in the future.

For example, the Mountain On Wind hexagram is based upon the results of three tosses to form the trigram that represents the "mountain" and three tosses to get the trigram that represents the "wind." Hence ... Mountain on Wind. After the initial reading is done, a second reading, which indicates changes in the near future, is also done. 

These days, we have two separate I Ching options using our computers: 
1. The user can click on one button to obtain the results of the six tossings at one time.
2. The user can click six separate times on a button to simulate six individual tossings. 

However, before either of the above options is selected it is important for the user to give some thought to why he or she is motivated to seek the interpretations of the I Ching. What specific aspects of life are involved? Where are your areas of difficulty? Once these are determined, any one of the eight different categories can be accessed simply by clicking on the one you want (Physical Wellbeing, Prosperity, Career, and so on). 

Many of the same requirements first established centuries ago are still recommended during I Ching sessions today. For example, the users are advised to sit in an upright, straight posture while seated. In ancient times, most I Ching readings took place in Taoist temples, since most of the I Ching masters were priests, which required certain decorum. The atmosphere was one of respect and tranquility. For this reason silence during the process is also strongly recommended. It is best to sit still with eyes closed while posing the question. When that has been done, click on the button to initiate the tossing of the coins.

This first round is always the true answer to the question that has been troubling you. Whether you are happy with the reading, do not attempt a second trial. However, you can keep clicking on the coin-toss button to obtain additional interpretations in other areas of your life. Beware of the temptation to keep on with the process until you find the answer that you want. This will not be the genuine, true answer. Remember. If it is the truth you want, trust the first answer.