Starting Nine Star Ki Natal Analysis

Learn more about Nine Star Ki Natal Analysis


Historical Background
Nine Star Ki, also known as Kyu Sei Ki Gaku in Japan and Nine House (Palace) Astrology in China, is the most ancient Astrology used in The Far East

In ancient times, wise men believed that there was a simple order that governed all things on earth and heaven. Once this order was understood and benchmarked against daily events in human daily life, it was believed that one could tell how the future would unfold. This was the beginning of oriental astrology. In truth, oriental astrology is similar to western astrology; statistical information of human events were compiled against time and space as a reference. With massive data compiled, the probability of predicting human events became high when the reference elements were projected to the future. In Nine Star Ki, the theory is based on using one's birth date to establish the reference and hence the analysis of one's personality and directionology (the telling of which direction is best for traveling and living).

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Learn more about our Nine Star Ki Astrologer

Joseph Yu was born during the Second World War in a small village in South China. He spent his childhood as a country boy and did not receive any formal education until he immigrated to Hong Kong at the age of eleven. In the early 1960's, Joseph studied Mathematics and Physics at the University of Hong Kong. During his early Hong Kong days, Joseph abhorred all kinds of superstition and vowed to destroy such absurd beliefs of ignorant people. Being obsessed with the idea that he had to dispel the mysticism associated with all these Chinese superstitious beliefs, Joseph then frequented libraries in an attempt to find faults and absurdities within Astrology and Feng Shui from ancient books. It turned out that the deeper he went into the subject, the more excited he became about the rich legacy of ancient Chinese culture. Joseph had discovered the Chinese culture.

In order for more people to understand what Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui really are, Joseph founded the Feng Shui Research Centre in 1998. Through his popular seminars held in many different parts of the world, it is Master Yu's hope that Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui may earn proper recognition by both the scientific world and the different divination communities.

Since the establishment of the Feng Shui Research Centre, over hundreds of Feng Shui practitioners have graduated. Correspondence courses have been offered which are then reinforced by Joseph's seminars held in different cities in North American, Australia, United Kingdom, India, Europe, New Zealand and Russia. 

One can learn more about Joseph and the Feng Shui Research Centre by visiting