Thursday, 2nd May, 2024

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: No Place Like Home

Dear Eugenia,

I wanted to start out by telling you the number of times I've written, but I don't remember. I'm really pleading with you for some advice. My boyfriend [June 12, 1972] and I [Sept. 25, 1974, at 8:18 AM] moved across country together about 4 months ago. Since then, he has been supporting me and I can't seem to find work here. I have had periods of depression, and then I find myself motivated. I have been up and down on an emotional roller coaster since I got here. He is also unhappy. Maybe more than me. He is unhappy with the job that brought us out here, and wants to quit, except we are going broke at this point. I have been asking friends and relatives to borrow money. I feel guilty that I have not been able to pull my weight financially in this relationship, I also feel like that leaves me completely defenseless in any conversation that I have with my boyfriend, fight or otherwise. Every time I check my horoscope on your site, it seems to tell me that my financial outlook is getting better, or that it should be. I feel like there is one part of my life that is what you might call the "core" of my problems. I don't know what it is. Lately my self-esteem has been low; I can't seem to do anything right and I don't know how to make him or me feel better. I only see one answer...get a job. It's obvious, but I've looked for jobs that are way beneath my ability, and no one is hiring. I feel like this is a trap I fell in. Before I left to move here, I was financially capable; I worked all the time and actually partially supported him. But now it has just been too long. Is there any part of my chart showing that I'm neglecting a certain aspect of my life that could change some of this nonsense? I feel there is something that I'm doing horribly wrong, and I just don't know what it is or how to change it. Please, Please help...And thank you.

Still lost in L.A.

Dear Still lost in L.A.

I feel that you should be preparing to make a move back to where you came from. Contact your former employer and see if there is something available for you. If you don't feel that this is an option the other suggestion is to pick up different skills through educational pursuits or offer services to couples in your neighborhood needing childcare help for the time being. Regarding your financial position being favorable, it is but in an area that deals with investments, not work and money. Therefore if you were older and more established you may have been able to take advantage of these transits and invested in a worthwhile stock or business. You may be able to use these transits however to invest in yourself by starting your own business. As far as making money by working for others it does look grim. You have so much going for you however; you are creative, intellectual and bright. Talk to your boyfriend about starting your own home based business. He may even be interested in helping you. As for him, if he doesn't like his job why are you both still there. You should have probably returned home already.


Article: From Libra

Hi Eugenia

Okay well here goes I want to start by saying that I really love reading anything that you write. I am an avid fan and have been for years.:-) Well lets start by saying that I was a single mom for about 7 years or so and recently have met and have started a relationship with a much younger man, he treats me so good if I want to go anywhere I just have to ask and he sends me if I want anything all I have to do is mention the word and he gets it for me he treats me wonderfully but because of recent relationships I am very very insecure I really want this guy to be the one he has asked me to marry him and he says he wants to be with me for the rest of his life but I just can't help feeling guilty that I am holding him back from meeting the woman of his dreams, he continually tells me that I am that woman I really do love him and am in love with him, I don't want to mess this up by my insecure nature please help me to understand what is going on am I just being silly? He is born Feb 17 1981 I am not sure of the time and I was born Sept 30, 1966 at 11:35 am. Thank you so much for your time.


Hi Libra

I have no problem with older man/younger woman or older man/younger woman. In fact I believe an age difference is usually a good thing because it helps to separate the natal Neptune placements in both charts. However, in this particular case the comparison is not good. It is based on deception, disillusionment and lack of vision. There is major sorrow emotionally, mentally and physically and although that may not be apparent right now it will be in the future. I believe you should be looking at this relationship, as fun for the time being but to actually marry this man would be a mistake. You match up best to those born under the signs Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces - Take note Aquarius does not fall in the lineup. Please don't get me wrong I believe this man loves you with all his heart right now and that he is mesmerized by you in many ways but the comparison is just not good enough to sustain a life long commitment.


Article: From Lost and Confused

Hi Eugenia

I was in a 10 year long relationship with a man that I believe is the love of my life. Things were so easy for about the first year, after that they seemed to just be on a steady course of difficulty. I've never strayed from my dream of marriage and a family. He said he wanted all the same things and recently has changed his mind. He has done a 180 on me and we are now separated. We went through a similar thing a few years ago, but got back together after about four months apart. He was born on January 12, 1972 and I was born on June 23, 1969 at 11:00 pm. As far as signs go, I know that we are perfectly compatible. Can you tell me if I'm crazy for loving this man? Is this a temporary split while he works out whatever has him scared or is this permanent? I've been lost and confused trying to make sense of all of this... any help you can offer would be a great help in putting my mind and heart at ease.

Thank you,
Lost and Confused

Dear Lost and Confused

The comparison was okay but not without some problems. Although your boyfriend was born under the sign Capricorn he does have three planets in the sign Sagittarius and this is usually an indication that even if he does decide to get married he will always be a bachelor at heart. He has his natal Venus in the sign Aquarius and this planet is going through a change of heart, confusion and as a result causing his 180-degree turn. His natal Venus is also at an adverse position to your natal Neptune and this usually causes sorrow within the relationship. In your case it shows up when it comes to changing your status in life that meaning marriage. I also believe that there could be some problems where friends and family are concerned that you may not even know about. Your chart indicates that you will be in a much better position regarding love, marriage and so forth towards the end of this year and through most of next. I wouldn't give him much more time to do a reversal. If he can't make up his mind by the fall let it go. As for you I believe that you should be focusing on career, getting out and meeting and making some new friends and moving on with your life. You actually match up well to those born under the signs Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces. If he doesn't turn around don't rule out people born under his sign just run an astrological comparison on my site to make sure that he is truly a strong Goat and not someone with a build up of natal planets in Sagittarius.


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