Friday, 3rd May, 2024

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: A Matter of Karma

Dear Eugenia,

I am very much in love and hoping to marry a Leo, (8/11/55) that I have known for 6 years now. We dated for three years, took one and a half years off, and are back together in a stronger, more passionate bond than ever before. He is a very affectionate man, and I feel in many ways my perfect match and soul mate. When I'm with him I'm ecstatic and the separations are still torture.We have had a long distance relationship for the last year, as was the case early on as well, but at that point neither of us was ready (or able) to move.

Recently I've been considering moving across the country to be with this man. He has said repeatedly that he wants to live with me though he is not sure about "marriage" per se. Perhaps it was his Leo nature --he loves women and says so-- but he was not monogamous with me in our first three years together, a fact I learned only this year. Now I have less trust in him, though I still love him desperately. I want to marry this man, even though he hurt me.

Is this man capable of loving only one woman? Unfortunately I do not have a birth time for him. I am concerned that if I move my life to be with him, I might get hurt, since I was shocked to learn that my prince was not who I thought he was in Round one. He has stated it was only a "phase" and he is serious about me now. If you can give me any insights into our future based on his and my chart, I would appreciate it. I was born February 11, 1974, at 3:30 AM. Thanks Eugenia,

Polar Opposites

Dear Polar Opposites

The comparison between you and your Leo partner was certainly enticing, engaging and intriguing however it also showed signs of sorrow, deception and disillusionment. Now I'm not trying to deter you from following your heart because I feel you are going to do so anyway and that you probably have to experience this relationship for some karmic reason. I must however tell you that your Leo falls in an area of your chart that deals with dead end projects and that the length of time spent with one another may not be all that long. He is going through many changes. He doesn't really know what he wants and will bounce back and forth between wanting to be single and wanting to be married. If you make the effort to move and he still isn't willing to marry you should be asking yourself why not. You were born with your natal Neptune adversely aspecting your natal Mercury and this usually represents a person who is gullible, easily deceived or blind to the defects of others. Before you make a move I suggest that you have a job to go to first. Look out for your own interests and be sure that regardless of what he does you are self-sufficient.


Article: An Imminent Turning Point

Dear Eugenia:

I was born at 12:25 a.m. on 6 May 1972. Around January 2000, Saturn will return to its position in my natal chart, Gemini. My question is this: What significant effects, if any, will the fact that Saturn, Mars, and Venus are all in Gemini (and retrograde, I believe) in my natal chart have on my Saturn return? (or, more generally, what types of influences can I expect during my Saturn return?)


Dear M.

First of all your natal Mars and Venus are not situated close enough to your natal Saturn in order to form a conjunction. Therefore, I would be more concerned with your natal Saturn opposite your natal Neptune when your Saturn returns strikes between May and July of next year and January and March of 2002. With your natal Moon well aspected to both your natal Saturn and Neptune however I feel comfortable saying that it shouldn't be too difficult. Usually your Saturn return results in reevaluating your life. It is a turning point for most people. In your case it will be in an area that deals with such things as making a move from one state to another (which I might add should be favorable) or deciding to further your education for self-purpose or for career advancement. It can also be a time that children will play a role in your life or that you could be taken advantage of financially. It is not a time that you should trust just anyone, especially with your money. You may want to reconsider the way you spend your spare time socializing. If you have been overindulgent it may be the time to cut back or quit altogether. Saturn is a disciplinarian, a teacher, we are to learn from our past mistakes and use this period of renewed awareness to sort through the clutter in our lives and move on in a positive and refreshed manner. You shouldn't fight Saturn influences, but instead learn to accept the situation you are in and find the most suitable way to make the changes necessary to better your life.


Article: So Bored

Hi Eugenia...

I married my husband, and gave up my career. Before my marriage, my life was wonderful. Now, it is so boring that I don't know what to do. I was a model. My husband told me to learn something new like a hobby, rather than earning money. So I started taking designing classes, but I don't exactly know what I want to do. Also, I want to have a baby but it is not that easy to get pregnant...My husband was born on Aug 27, 1971, at 5:00pm and I was born on June 5, 1974, at 2 AM. I feel like I'm useless...

Unfulfilled Gemini

Dear Unfulfilled Gemini

The comparison with your husband was okay but there were some difficulties and sorrow that showed up where health and children are concerned. This doesn't mean that you can't have children but it will cause some difficulties getting pregnant. Consider using my new feature astro guidance to find out the best times to try to conceive. You will be coming into a high cycle where pregnancy is concerned during the last quarter of next year and the first half of 2002. Regarding your need to find something to do I suggest that you continue to follow a creative direction. Design classes are a start but you also show talent in areas that deal with interior decorating, fashion design, singing, acting, hosting events, television, photography, communications and web design to mention a few. It is important that you continue to follow a dream or you will begin to lose your self worth and become dissatisfied with your life and that could cause future problems in your marriage.


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