Thursday, 2nd May, 2024

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: From Scorpio

Hi Eugenia

I am engaged to the love of my life. He knows something about Astrology and told me my Ascendant is conjunct his sun. He is older than me, but we had an instant connection two years ago. Will ours be a happy union? It is such a big step. I was born November 15, 1982 at 3:05 pm and he was born April 13, 1955 at 10:03 pm.


Hi Scorpio

I like the Aries Scorpio connection because both signs are ruled by the planet Mars. They tend to really compliment one another in most cases and unlike most signs Scorpio can usually keep up to the fast paced Aries. In your case however your partner is not that strong an Aries and although he thinks like one that's about as far as it goes. This relationship appears to be of a karmic nature and although I'm not quite sure what you have to resolve I do believe that it has something to do with money, health and one of you having to take care of the other. With his natal Venus squaring your natal Neptune in your ninth and his third house I believe there will be some sorrow that will develop that probably has to do with friends and relatives and communication. It will be important if you want this relationship to run smoothly and go the distance that you act as one. In other words there can be no other person who takes precedence over the two of you. You must totally stick up for one another regardless and treat the rest of the people in your lives as outsiders. If you can do that I believe that it can work at least for a relatively long period of time. His rising sign falls in your eighth house and yours in his fifth. This could create a problem where children/pregnancy is concerned. Make sure that you both have the same idea of where you see yourself in ten or twenty years before you decide to take the big matrimonial step into the future.


Article: Much To Consider

Dear Eugenia

First of all thank you for this beautiful site, I'm an astrology lover and for this reason I would like to get your opinion on my birth chart: I know I'm quite flamboyant and rough at times but I'm also a good ballet teacher full of sensitivity: I read that a person has no choice in life and no chances when the sun is in the 12th house and Saturn in the seventh: Is this also your opinion and can you tell me something more about me to help me understand myself a little better than I do?

Thank you so much in advance.


There is so much more to consider. In your birth chart you do have your natal Sun and Mercury in the twelfth house but both are well aspected to your natal Jupiter in Gemini and your natal Mars in Libra. Mars being in your third house also relates to teaching. Your Saturn being in the seventh can make it difficult to find a suitable relationship or partnership however in your case your natal Neptune is in Scorpio favorably aspected to your natal Saturn. This can be highly creative. Your chart shows great potential with your natal Jupiter being in your tenth house (limelight house). You do have your natal Venus in Virgo poorly positioned to your natal Jupiter in your tenth and this can result in not having the physical attributes needed to do what you want. You could however be a great choreographer if you decided to move in that direction. Most of all you have to realize that although these planetary placements can cause some obstacles it does not mean that you have no chance to achieve your goals throughout life.


Article: From Cancer

Dear Eugenia

I have written numerous times and am anxious to get an answer please as my life is turning around very quickly. In January of 2003 I left my husband of 22 years and we are now legally separated. I was born on July 6th, 1959 at 1 am and my ex was born on April 27, 1960. I have been seeing a married man, since September of 2002. He was born on June 13, 1962. He was verbally and physically abused as a child. His first wife cheated. His second wife was on the rebound and is verbally abusive to him to the point of him being depressed. There are many walls around this wonderful man, some of which have come down somewhat. He is hard to read sometimes but has become more open with me because of the trust we have built. I know there is stress in this relationship because I don't see him often and it is hard to tell sometimes where I stand. I know you are going to tell me to get out of this relationship because of the circumstances but I love him dearly and can't see life right now without him. Where does my life stand with him.


Dear Cancer

I?m not about to tell you to get out of your relationship with your Gemini friend however I never believe that it?s a good idea to get into a relationship with someone until you are both free and clear of your past partners. You may be legally separated from your ex but with the high comparison you have with one another and the sort of love/hate connection that is so apparent I find it hard to believe that it is totally over. Your relationship with your Gemini friend is a little calmer and I certainly can see the attraction but he is hasn?t made a move to leave his current wife even though you say that she is abusive. You did not mention when she was born so I can?t comment on whether they actually get along or not. I believe that if he is to leave her it will probably be next fall when transiting Saturn conjuncts his natal Venus. That will be when he goes through his make it or break it period so he will either leave you or her but he probably won?t keep you both under wraps when that period hits. I don?t know that I would wait around if I were you but feel that you probably will.


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