Friday, 3rd May, 2024

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: From Little Lost Libra

Hi Eugenia

I am in my early forties, 2 children, married for 19years. For some reason I am in a very reflective state. I reflect on my past and become very depressed, I never had any career success, although I worked very hard, never made much money, however I continued my education, but I never got a "break" I was always past over, finally in my early thirties I became ill with MS and had to go on long term disability. So that was the final blow. I have come to terms with my situation and have gotten involved with the local MS Society as a Board member. I still yearn for some little professional success. Why can't I let go of the past and just relax and enjoy my children, and happy marriage? Will these feelings lift? I was born October 12, 1959, at 10:42 am.

Little lost Libra

Hi Little lost Libra

What you are doing right now with the MS Society is important and I feel certain that someone you recently met through this organization will help you find your way where your profession is concerned. It is never too late and you are never incapable of achieving as long as you have the desire. You have just experienced your second half-life Saturn and this is why you have been so reflective. It is a period in your life that makes you reevaluate what you've done up to this point in your life and in turn it should help you realize whatever changes are necessary in order to make your life better. Your chart indicates that you have the spunk and desire to achieve and I believe that there is something very significant that you need to do. It will be something that will make a difference to other people. It can have to do with communications, creativity or your desire to help those who are experiencing similar disabilities. It's your spark, enthusiasm and need to achieve that will inspire others. Perhaps writing a book about your inner thoughts dealing with MS. I believe that if you work really hard towards a personal goal that you set for yourself that you will receive the recognition you are searching for beginning late next year and throughout 2005. You have what it takes to move mountains my dear and I do not believe that you have or ever will let your disability stop you from trying to move forward. This is about you right now - it's your turn to put yourself first, choose what it is that will bring you the satisfaction you are looking for and make it so.


Article: From gabituca

Dear Eugenia,

I am really lost in my life and I don't know what to do. I was born on 03/21/1967 at 1:00am. Two years ago I left my country to live in Mexico together with my daughter (06/16/1989-7:26pm). We lived there for almost one year and we were happy. After some time I met a men who lives in US and we got married. Now we are living in US but the situation is very difficult for me and my daughter. Because my husband (01/31/1959-2:50 am) is only permanent resident here, we have to wait for the immigration process between 5 and 7 years. Meanwhile my daughter and I cannot have a legal status and it was impossible to find other ways to be legal. This means that I cannot work legally, I am 100% dependent of my husband, I feel very lonely and depressed. We don't have family around, we don't have friends. My husband is a very difficult man, grumpy, without any sense of humor, the macho style, stingy, he wants somebody to take care of him, to cook for him, to respect him, he needs a woman that can replace his mother. I caught him right after the wedding, last year, by mistake, that he receives a lot of emails from a lot of women, very loving know...I was very hurt and upset for a long time. He lived alone for many years and he told me that he was looking for a relationship and even after he said to everybody that he is married and happy now, these women are still writing to him and he doesn't know what to do with them. Can you believe that? Because I didn't...his behavior with my daughter is very bad. He is very rude with her. She is a very nice teenager, brilliant at school, very smart. Everybody loves her except him. She is doing all the time a big effort to please him, but nothing seems to be right for him. He recognizes that she is very intelligent but always he says that she is not doing enough and he puts a lot of pressure on her. I tried hundreds of times to explain to him that his behavior is wrong, but he still thinks he is perfect and his skills like a parent are perfect. In my opinion he doesn't have any skills and he doesn't want to learn anyway.

He was very sick in the last months, he had open heart surgery, and I helped him a lot in his recovery...he was not able to do anything by himself...Even if he recognizes that me and my daughter were very close to him during all this hard time that he had, his behavior doesn't the same grumpy, rude and without manners person.

My daughter and I?are thinking to leave him, but the problem is that we don't have anywhere to go. We cannot return to Mexico, because we don't have anything there anymore, and is the same situation for my country too.

I would not like to divorce (it will be the third one in my life), I really want to work out this relationship, I really want to help him learn how to be a nice person, I really want to have a nice family...He tells me that he loves me, but it seems to be so difficult for him to show that...

What do you see in my horoscope regarding this situation? Do you think that I will be able to find the way to fix all this problems? I don't want to see my daughter unhappy...I don't want to be unhappy too... what do you think about that?

Thank you very much,?

Dear gabituca

The astrological comparison that you have with your husband really is quite good. There is some sorrow in an area that deals with children. I believe that his problem is that he was used to living alone and although he craved having a woman in his life a ready made family was not really what he wanted. He fell in love with you and your daughter was something he had to tolerate. It isn?t that he has a bad comparison with her ? in fact it is actually quite favorable however the problem is he can?t wrap his head around the idea of having to deal with the normal life changes that having a teenager around the house brings with it. For you i

Article: Strong Attraction

Dear Eugenia

I am very confused and concerned about my current relationship. I was born 11-30-77 at 11:38am and my boyfriend was born 12-14-75 at 1:08pm. We have a very strong physical attraction for one another, but our fights are often and our comments are brutal. He has a very quick and explosive temper, but treats me very well otherwise. He is not jealous or controlling, but very sensitive. What type of connection do we have that makes us so inseparable? We cannot spend more than two days without one another, almost as if we are the same person. We are both becoming very dependent on each other and neither of us have ever had that type of personality. We both were "bachelors" of the zodiac breaking hearts left and right and partying all the time until we met each other. Is this relationship healthy? What is it about our signs that have made us completely different people enthralled by each other? But almost TOO passionate?

Two Archers

I like same sign relationships. I believe however that you are both going through the rush of love and that the physical connection is so powerful that neither one of you can get past it at the moment. The rest of the comparison isn't too bad. I feel that you both tend to evade issues and neglect to be completely honest with one another. The fact that you fight a lot doesn't surprise me either. It isn't unusual for people to point a finger at their partner especially if they themselves are guilty of similar things. Your Sagittarius partner, like yourself, will always be a bachelor even if you live together, get married and so on. Over the course of the next two years you will both experience a need to settle down and this could help the relationship progress positively. Keep in mind however that it is impossible to curtail, confine or restrict an Archer without causing problems. Your Sagittarius partner does have a temper and that should concern you. I believe that he is intense and that you can bring out the worst in him when it comes to arguments. The combination between the two of you can become quite volatile at times. Take your time and try to build a closer friendship if you really want this union to last.


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