Tuesday, 30th April, 2024

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: Sexual Discord

Dear Eugenia:

I have been married for six years. For most of that time, our sex life has been practically nonexistent, even though we seem to be quite compatible based on our charts. This is my fault, really, as early on I lost my desire to have sex with him; in fact, I am turned off by his touch. I've never told him this because I don't want to hurt him, but, obviously, the "sex" issue has caused some major discord in our marriage. I have tried to rekindle my passion, but I haven't had any success. I know the problem is not physical, as I often have sexual dreams and fantasize about other men (but I've never cheated). If I am unable to get past this, it most surely will lead to divorce. I was born 11/20/71 at 6:50 a.m., my husband was born 5/6/65, (time unknown). Thank you for your advice.

Passionless Wife

Dear Passionless Wife

I don?t really see your comparison as being all that great regarding love. It lacks in areas essential to building a happy and loving relationship. It appears to be more like a brother sister connection that is definitely not built on passion. Your chart indicates that you are coming into a period that brings opportunities for you to meet someone who knocks you off your feet. This could lead to a secret affair if you aren?t out of your current situation. I suggest that if you don?t want this to happen and you truly want to try to rekindle your relationship, that you start communicating with your husband honestly about your feelings and let him know what?s lacking in your marriage. I am a believer that any relationship can work if both people are willing to put in the effort. However, unfortunately I have found that in most cases when it doesn?t work there is a lack of communication and it?s often quite one-sided with regards to who puts what into the marriage. In your case I feel that honesty and straightforwardness will be required. Although this may hurt your husbands feelings initially, if you are living in a loveless marriage I think he would agree that getting help or splitting up would be preferable to the nonexistent connection that you have right now.


Article: Another Capricorn

Dear Eugenia

I have been separated and divorced from my Capricorn ex-husband (January 12, 1953, 10:23 a.m.) for seven years. We have two daughters together, one nineteen (September 13, 11.22 a.m. living with him and one (Feb 10, 1985, 10:53 a.m.) living with me. It has been a difficult divorce and caused much pain for all of us. Not my idea. I have been on my own ever since. I have dated occasionally but never got past the first date. I recently gave up the house and moved into a small apartment so my daughter could be nearer her father and sister. She is much happier, has a boyfriend and I rarely see her. Two weeks ago I went to an English Country Dance and was approached by an older gentleman (January 1, 1934, 12:15 a.m.) who has been courting me ever since. He takes me dancing and for dinner. He is an ex drama and English teacher, and an actor. Teaching drama and English is the profession I have just completed training for, and I have a background in acting and film. He loves to travel as do I. He has been separated from his wife of 18 years for one year. My concern is that he is another Capricorn, and I am a Cancer (July 14, 1943, 6:05 p.m.) I have Saturn in Gemini opposition Moon in the seventh house and that means difficulty in relationships. I think I may get myself into trouble again in a relationship with another Capricorn. He is sweet and kind and generous and seems to like me a lot. I have been alone for seven years, putting my daughter and my education first. Is this a father thing? Does it have a chance? Should I just enjoy it for the time being and not expect anything? I am used to a younger man, but nobody that age is interested in a fifty-seven year old woman with a teenaged daughter. I look much younger. Should I accept this graciously, or keep looking. Do you see another major relationship for me, or just casual dating? Is this the one?

At Odds

Dear At Odds

Your Capricorn friend only has his natal Sun in that sign. He has a strong Aquarius influence with his Mercury in the youthful playboy sign Sagittarius. Keep in mind as well that most Capricorn's are old when they are young and young when they are old. This is not an ordinary man and you do match up quite well to him. I feel that there is some deception in this relationship, however I believe that it is within you not him. You are coming into a high cycle regarding love and relationships in May and June of next year. Until that time I suggest you let this relationship develop and see how you feel at that time. If you feel that you can't get past the age difference I suggest that you move on, as new possibilities are likely at that time. However, if you realize that you are falling in love with this man it will be the perfect time to take this connection to the next level.


Article: Counselling Confused

Dear Eugenia

There is so much going on in my life that I don't know where to start. I can not believe that I have chosen to write this letter, but I guess I am hoping for confirmation that I am correct. My life has never felt more confused and not my own then it does right now. I want to focus my attention on my education and let go of all the other things in my life that I feel are holding me back. I am being pulled in all different directions. I am trying to fight the distractions and need to find a way to balance my life in order for me to achieve the things I want (have) to achieve on this earth. I have been searching for a counselor that can shed some light and provide the reassurance of love. I have only encountered counselors with no energy resembling that love.

I feel as if the only way I can accomplish my goals is to have some solace. I feel like I need to take a break from the energy I create and turn into myself so that I may become more confident in my energy and use it for what it is intended. I am ready to use it for whatever purposes are intended, but I do not know which way to go to achieve this goal.

I am looking for someone who understands, and someone who will be able to make me understand. I think the person who is really able to understand me will be able to communicate their energy to me. I don't need anyone to tell me how to run my life; I would just like confirmation that I'm on the right path. I was born on June 21, 1961, at 12 AM.


Dear Confused

You are on the path that you have to follow right now and even if it doesn't necessarily take you where you think you want to go much will be gained from the experiences and challenges you encounter. It is apparent that there are some issues that have arisen over the course of the past year and a half that have left you questioning what is right for you. From what I can establish by your chart in order to make the most of your transits you should be resolving issues concerning a parent or close friend. Difficulties in areas that deal with communication and secrets have clouded the perspective of yourself as well as of others. Many changes are apparent regarding your home and family and these can be favorable if you follow your heart and do what's best for you this time. The educational area of your chart has been and still is being negatively transited and this can cause problems when it comes to accomplishing your goals. This problem is lifting this month and although you may continue to have some issues with faculty or your educational choices you should find it easier to push ahead. You are very hard on yourself you know and it's time you cut yourself a little slack. Rome wasn't built in a day; you will accomplish your goals. You have the determination, stamina and dedication that will enable you to reach the success that you are looking for.


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