Friday, 3rd May, 2024

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: From Tiffani

Dear Eugenia,

There's really not as much of a "problem" as there are questions. I have been dating my boyfriend for four and a half months. This is the second time we have dated; we dated for six months about two years ago. Our relationship before was not a great one, but I have always had a place for him in my heart. We went two years without seeing each other once. We haven't left each others side since we ran into each other at a restaurant four and a half months ago. This "go around" is nothing like last time. We have a wonderful relationship. We intend on getting married some time next year. I wanted to know if you are able to tell me if you see this relationship succeeding. I believe that it will, but I wanted to know if you could let me know how you see this turning out. If it helps you any his birthday is 10/08/1980, not sure of the time and mine is October 9, 1981, at 7:51 pm. Thank you!!!


Hi Tiffani

The comparison is good and I think you have a terrific chance at making this one work as long as you keep your communication open and honest. You have been in a high cycle regarding love, romance and having someone good from your past come back into your life since August of last year so your timing is right. I believe that you should make your plans and proceed with confidence. Wishing you all the best.


Article: Emotionally Starved

Dear Eugenia,

This is the second time I write to you. Your reply is very important to me. Please take some time to help me. You may save one life and I'll be very grateful.

I feel bad every day. My eyes have some problems. The doctor said that I had to take medicine for the rest of my life or I will become blind one day. I am really afraid that that day would come. I don't want to be fed by my parents for my whole life but I don't have any skills for living. I am still studying in school. I always thought that if I were blind, the things I learn from school would be meaningless to me. In order not to make my parents worry, I always pretend that I am all right. In fact, deep in my heart, I am sad and even thought of committing suicide. I know my parents only love their son and do not really care for me. Since I was a child, I have felt lonely and keep all the tears to myself.

Recently, I have been interested in a newly emerged religion, which gives me the courage to face my future. But this religion is not widely accepted, at least, my parents object to it. I also wonder whether it is cheating people or not. I didn't have any good friends in the past and don't even have a friend now. I don't know what to do. I sometimes think that there is no difference whether I am here or not. No one cares about me. I don't want to carry on my life like that. I want some changes or breakthrough. This is why I ask for your help? I was born October 8, 1977, at 2:00 PM.


Dear Desperate

I do see some chronic health problems in your chart however it is apparent that poor diagnosis may also be present and if this is the case I urge you to get a second opinion. I believe that at this particular time you should be careful regarding your religious choices as it is evident that the group that you are dealing with does have some underhanded business or hidden agenda going on. If you believe in the concept that this group is preaching and you feel that it is benefiting you that's great however don't be too quick to give financially. A good religious group will only ask its members to donate what they can rightfully afford. Although your chart does indicate that you are emotionally starved it is not the case that your parents don't love you. I believe that you have difficulty showing your emotions and that you tend to keep a great deal to yourself. If you don't share your feelings and thoughts with your parents you can't expect them to read your mind. It's time to open up and let them know how you feel. I believe that you'll be glad that you did.


Article: Too Tired

Dear Eugenia,

I am an AstroEast fan. The first thing I do when I get back to my office is log on to your site. Thank you for all the advice you have given us. I have wanted to write to you for a long time. Until today, I have not had the courage to do so. I have just started to work. The place that I am working in is far from home. I originally thought that my boyfriend and I would continue to spend a good deal of time together. But a year ago, I discovered that his relationship with another girl was questionable. As far as I know, they have only met once. I know it is not his fault so I forgive him. But recently, I found that he treats me in a very cool and distant manner. He is now living overseas and won't be back for one or two years. I am worried. Will we have a good future? I have been pregnant twice. He once said that we were not suitable for each other, but I don't want to break up with him. I have tried my best to keep this relationship going. I write him, call him, but I am tired. Please help me. I was born in Nov 11, 1977 at about 5pm. He was born in Apr 8, 1975. Will you reply to my letter?

Thanks in advance.

Dear Uncertain

The comparison with your Aries boyfriend was good however the distance is probably playing a role in his actions. He has transiting Uranus adversely positioned to his natal Venus and this is causing some uncertainty on his part. I feel that for now you are probably best to give one another some space to find out how you feel and what you want out of life. You are coming into a high cycle regarding love and romance from July until well into next year and you may want to experiment a little yourself. You match up well to those born under the signs Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio and Sagittarius. You should also be concentrating on getting ahead professionally especially over the course of the next year and a half. It's time to focus on yourself and what you want out of life instead of dwelling on whether he is being loyal or not. You have your whole life ahead of you and this is a perfect opportunity for you to discover whether Mr. Aries is the right person or not. By allowing one another to see other people you can determine whether or not you truly belong together.


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