Saturday, 4th May, 2024

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: From Taurus

Dear Eugenia

This is the second email I have sent. I really need your help. I am a new graduate of Nursing. My first job through the summer did not pan out. It has left me feeling discouraged and fearful of my future. I have been seeking employment and have had four interviews. I still have not received an offer. I have been looking since September. Is there an end in sight? Is there an area that I have not considered and should? I am at my wits end at this point. I am not sure where to turn for help. If you have any advice at all I would love to hear it. I was born May 15, 1967, at 6:05 am.


Dear Taurus

I do believe that you have picked the right profession however it may be the area of nursing that you are trying to get in to that is the problem not to mention that your chart indicates that you have been going through some uncertainties and problems where work is concerned. I can tell you however that you definitely should be working in an institution like a hospital, rehab center, as a nurse at a large corporation or even within the confines of a prison. Job opportunities are present in your chart now so keep going for interviews and do the necessary follow up and I am sure that you will find yourself employed over the course of the next three months.


Article: All You Need is Love

Dear Eugenia,

I hope you can help me. It seems that for years I can't hold on to a guy. I don't understand. Just when I think this is the one, the relationship ends or I find out he is already involved. I try to put all I have into a relationship, but it never seems to work. What is it that I am doing wrong or haven't I met my soul mate yet? I was born August 25, 1972, at 10:58 AM.

Lonely Hearts Club

Dear Lonely Hearts Club

Stop being so hard on yourself. You have a tendency to be a little too clingy when it comes to love. There is nothing wrong with this as long as you are with someone who is also affectionate and in love with you. The highest cycle for love will be hitting your chart during the last half of next year and the first half of 2002. Until that time, play the field and discover what other people have to offer you. Join interest groups and hang out with like-minded people. You match up well to those born under the signs Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces.


Article: From Scorpio torn

Dear Eugenia,

I have written once with no response I know you are a very busy person and God bless you but I need your help if you can. About four years ago I was working for this accounting firm and one day I saw a new co-worker and I fell hard I mean the moon and stars the WORKS!! remind you I'm a married woman but I couldn't stop thinking about him and at the time I was going through some difficult times in my marriage. Me and this guy flirted a lot but didn't take it any further but I was the one who ended up hurt and confused because I had strong feelings for him. I just want to know why did this happen to me because at the time I wasn't looking for this and after all this time I still have him on my mind. I was born November 5, 1963 at 9:45 a.m. He was born on March 15, 1963 time unknown and my husband was born on October 12, 1966 time unknown. I want to know was this a silly infatuation or was I in love with this man. I appreciate any answer you can give me.

Scorpio torn

Dear Scorpio torn

It is obvious why you were attracted to your Pisces friend and why your marriage wasn't doing too well. You and your husband didn't have a bad comparison however it did lack substance. It is almost as if you just have nothing in common putting a strain on the relationship. The comparison with your Pisces friend connected on a lot more levels however there was also a major sign of sorrow and this is usually an indication that it won't work or that it will be hurtful. Your chart indicates that you have been going through your own turmoil that has resulted in some depression and anxiety at work as well as with your fellow co-workers. You have also been overreacting where your relationships are concerned resulting in your most recent infatuation. You are in a high cycle regarding love and secret affairs and will continue to be on and off over this next year. I suggest that you tread carefully. It is never wise to start a relationship if you are still attached to someone else. Your marriage is coming into a make it or break it period and it will be important that you reevaluate what you really want out of life. Your comparison with your husband although it lacks on some levels is workable if you communicate and find some common ground. It won't be the most passionate or exciting but it can work. The relationship with your Pisces will probably bring you more sorrow but it will be more exciting and volatile. You are walking a fine line, if you find yourself pursuing your Pisces once again or you discover that you are becoming infatuated with other men as well you should get some counseling that will help you sort through your problems.


Astrology teaches us that there are different times of the year that highlight specific areas within that topic such as Dating, Breaking Up, Chance Encounters, etc. Visit Relationship Planner

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Birthday / Numbers

May 4th 2024
Happy Birthday: Put your energy where it makes the most sense. Take control, contribute, and stand up for what's right. The people you encounter will offer a unique perspective and complement what you can offer. Your steady progress will bring about positive change and opportunities that allow you to use your skills while exploring personal options to improve your lifestyle. Your numbers are 3, 16, 19, 23, 31, 34, 39.

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