Thursday, 2nd May, 2024

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: False Hope

Dear Eugenia,

Today my doctor notified me that my Pap smear showed abnormal cells & she wants me to see a Gynecologist. In 1964 I had a Hysterectomy because I had cervical cancer. They left one ovary. I am 70 years old, live by myself, and I?m scared stiff. What is my outlook, please tell me. I believe it is better to know what is coming at you, then to have false hope.


Dear EP

Your chart indicates the possibility of poor diagnosis therefore whatever the prognosis I would suggest that you get a second opinion. You appear to have some difficult transits moving through you?re the health areas of your chart but it is apparent that you can avoid serious problems if you are quick to discover and take care of any illness you suffer from. I do not feel that you are moving into a life threatening period however there are indications you may have problems with your heart or lungs over the course of the next couple of years. Therefore, it is important that you stay on top of your health in order to remain well.


Article: From SM

Dear Eugenia,

I would like to know what's in store for my son. He is in a band and has been writing music for many years. He is the lead singer and guitarist. I thought I recognized you there the night he was playing at Raxx, on April 24th. He was born Sept.8/82 at 6:56 pm. in Brampton Ont. He is very dedicated to his music but he just isn?t getting any breaks! If I could get a chart done for me my husband and boys that would be great! Please let me know how it could be done. I have been wanting to do this for a long time and I think its a good time to have some of your advice. Please let me know what you can. Thank You.

Sincerely SM.


You did see me at Raxx that April evening. We actually were there to watch your son perform. Your son?s chart does indicate that he has some talent and although he has chosen a very competitive and difficult professional direction I believe that everyone must follow there life dream especially at his age. He definitely should be working in a creative vocation and music is not a bad choice. It is important however that he is also supporting his addiction to his art so hopefully he is working as well. I usually try to get people to at least work in some capacity in the industry of choice. In his case he should be working at a music store or trying to get a position at a record company, or representing a line of musical products for one of the major companies or perhaps working for Socan, or teaching music etc. I believe that serves two purposes. One it helps to pay his bills and two it keeps him working within the industry allowing him to make contacts that will help him get ahead. Unfortunately in the industry that he has chosen it is who you know as well as how much talent you have. I think your son has a great voice and that he has to make some choices with regard to how he wants to present himself. He has been going through many changes the past year and if not working he should be considering going to college to learn more about the recording industry and technical end of the business. This will also benefit him along the way. He will be going through some transits in a couple of years that can result in recognition for his talent. How much recognition and how big the reward will be directly linked to what he does now to prepare. This may require him to change some of his associations along with aligning himself with some other people in the industry. He should be looking at career moves, education and networking with whomever he can that has a foothold in the industry. I believe that if he does so he will experience some success beginning in late 2006. Regarding your second question ? I haven?t actually taken on new clients since 1997 when I was syndicated around the world. That is why I offer this service as well as the confidential consultations found at if you just wish to have charts done for family members I suggest going to my site and printing out a self analysis. This service is free and certainly informative. My confidential consultation service is for people having specific problems and is similar to this column only more personal and in-depth.


Article: Controlling Your Destiny

Dear Eugenia:

My birth date is July 1, 1949 1:00 am, my husband is May 18, 1946.

I am going through a very emotional time in my life. My mother (to whom I was very close died in April) which caused a major family fallout which resulted in a lot of our family not talking to each other and breaking ties completely. Prior to and during this time I feel that my marriage has come to an end. We have been married for 33 years and have been drifting apart for some time. We have very little communication what so ever, and any that we have is mostly anger and aggression. I also feel that there has been someone else in my husband's life. I am confused as to why he doesn't just walk away from the marriage and yet if I had to confront him I have learned from past experiences that he would just lie anyway so I don't see the point, as he is very abusive verbally. My biggest problem in leaving the marriage is financial security, as I do not have the confidence that I could survive on my own. (My childhood was very poor and insecure and I am sure this has a lot to do with my current insecurities especially financial) I have gained a lot of weight with the stress of everything going on in my life which does not help my self esteem and my work is suffering as I cannot concentrate on things at work. I cannot see a future for myself on my own yet my health is suffering daily from staying in this relationship as I cannot understand why I have stayed in this emotional abusive situation for so long. Do you see a brighter future for me and some self-improvements that could help me have the confidence to walk away. And is there a possible suitable companion that could give me the loving caring relationship that I dream of is possible in this life. Can you please advise?


Dear Desperate.

Life is like a lit match. It burns rapidly and then it's gone. For all the time that people waste in situations that are unbearable I have little sympathy. You are the master of your own will and destiny and its time for you to get a grip and move on. You will be in a better position next year to start that diet, join a fitness group, start swimming and so forth. For now you have to take care of business and that means call up your real estate agent if you own your home and force the issue to put it on the market. Split your assets down the middle and start to make plans for the future. Life is simple; it's people who make it complex. You've been clinging to something that is doing nothing but bringing you down. Where you should have been excelling professionally this year you've been vacillating about your personal life. You will have a positive cycle professionally between October and February and you should do whatever you can to focus on your job, career and advancement. If you work hard you will do just fine. During the last half of next year and the first half of 2002 you will be in a high cycle romantically. If you are still with your husband you will miss that opportunity. Your game plan should be focus on work and selling assets in order to split what you have together. Next get into shape during the spring and summer of next year followed by new friends and lovers. You match up well to those born under the signs Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius.


Astrology teaches us that there are different times of the year that highlight specific areas within that topic such as Dating, Breaking Up, Chance Encounters, etc. Visit Relationship Planner

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Birthday / Numbers

May 2nd 2024
Happy Birthday: Keep an open mind, research, adjust your thinking to fit the possibilities, and refuse to be funneled in a contrary direction by someone using emotional manipulation. Your strength stems from intelligence and what you discover. Don't trust others to do the legwork for you. If you want to stay afloat, you must remain at the helm. Personal gain requires your attention and distancing yourself from outside influences. Your numbers are 6, 14, 19, 28, 32, 37, 46.

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