Friday, 3rd May, 2024

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: Emotions Running the Gamut

Dear Ms. Last:

I don't know how many letters you have received regarding gay relationships, but I'm sure this won't be your first. I've been with my boyfriend for three months now, he is an Aquarius born on February 12, 1979. I am a Cancer born on July 8, 1978, at 2:11 in the afternoon.

We've been experiencing some difficulties within the integrity of the relationship. As a Cancer, I tend to be very smothering, and sometimes I can inundate an individual too much. My boyfriend recently told me that he wants to take a break because he is confused. He became very cold and insipid in the last week, and seemed to be very standoffish. As a typical Cancer, my emotions have been running the gamut lately, and I am just wondering if this break will be permanent or temporary. I am willing to give him the space he needs, after all, I need my own identity as well. I am willing to compromise and make this work. When I've asked him SEVERAL times if he would rather be with someone else, he has replied that he can't think of touching anyone else but me. I really believe David to be a person of pure heart and good intentions, and my trust, which wanes at times, is restored in him. I just hope that fate has something planned for us. I would also like to know, that despite the low reading on the compatibility between David and I, the connection feels much stronger. Thank you for your insight...Your site and work is wonderful!

Hoping this is true love,

Dear Cancer

The area in your chart that deals with relationships is going through a make it or break it period. The summer is a perfect time for you to take a break from your confused Aquarius partner. You need time as well. You are correct to say that your comparison wasn?t great, workable yes, but not easy. I can tell that you will be coming into a high cycle next summer that should bring someone into your life who is probably better for you. If you let this Aquarius fill the void in your life he will only be standing in the way when someone terrific wants to be with you. This could cause you to miss out on a relationship that could be the love of your life. Your Aquarius is going through a period that is extremely confusing. He is uncertain about himself and his future. He doesn?t really know what he wants and although he is capable of remaining loyal it is not one of his priorities. You are sensitive and willing to be blind to the problems that the two of you are facing. You will not win in this situation if you do try to make it work. Your Aquarius will not compromise or give as much to this relationship as you will and in turn you will eventually feel used. Please consider moving on. Focus on work, making money, investments, your home and so on until next summer when you will be in a much better position to fall in love. You match up well to those born under the signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.


Article: A Permanent Situation

Hi Eugenia,

I was born September 1, 1972. I am now living overseas because of my husband. He wants to study here, so I came with him. I had a good job in Beijing. Now, I am a housewife who puts all her energy into taking care of her husband and family. My husband allows me to continue performing the housewife role. Although I can accept the relaxing life like this, will it be my future? Shall I continue my career pursuits? I wish you could give me some guidance.

A foreign wanderer

Dear A foreign wanderer

Opportunities to pursue your career are present. You will never be satisfied just being a homemaker. You are bright, articulate and you need a challenge in your life. I feel that if you tell your husband how you feel he will help you achieve your goals. Your chart indicates that you are in a high cycle where educational pursuits are concerned this year and next. The work and money area of your chart will also pick up next year. Pick up whatever courses and skills you require in order to achieve your professional dreams.


Article: From Jody

Hi Eugenia,

I have sent a message before but I had no response. I am writing again as I have been talking with some astrologers on - they have been very kind and helpful. What I am curious is if you can see me having children sometime next year? I am having surgery in the new year, and that should correct my infertility problem, I realize that is a crazy thing to ask of you, but if you have any insights please let me know. Hope to hear from you and your reply will be greatly appreciated. DOB June 20 1971 around 5:30 pm (not positive about the time).

Thank You,

Hi Jody

Actually you are in a high cycle next year for pregnancy however you also have a chart that consists primarily of mutable signs and this is often an indication that there will be problems with getting pregnant the pregnancy itself or the children you have. With that in mind I must also mention that according to the time you were born luckily the Venus in your chart doesn't fall in an area that represent health however your natal Sun and Mercury do and they are not well aspected so chronic problems are likely to prevail. I believe however that these problems will have more to do with respiratory ailments, allergies, and blood etc - not pregnancy unless toxemia happens during pregnancy. As I mentioned earlier your chart is looking positive for pregnancy between April and August of next year. Your astrological fertility cycles are as follows.

Dec. 5/2005 at 11 PM until Dec. 9/2005 at 11 PM, Jan. 4/05 at 11 AM until Jan. 8/05 11 AM. Feb. 2/05 at 7 PM until Feb. 6/05 at 7 PM, Mar. 2/05 at 9 AM until Mar. 6/05 at 9 AM, Apr. 2/05 at 5 PM until Apr. 6/05 at 5 PM, May 2/05 at 9 AM until May 6/05 at 9 AM, June 1/05 at 3 AM until June 5/05 at 3 AM, July 1/05 at 1 AM until July 5/05 at 1 AM, July 30/05 at 7 PM until Aug. 3/05 at 7 PM, Aug. 29/05 at 3 PM until Sept. 2/05 at 3 PM, Sept. 28/05 at 11 AM until Oct. 2/05 at 11 AM, Oct. 28/05 at 11 AM until Nov. 1/05 at 11 AM, Nov. 27/05 at 5 PM until Dec. 1/05 at 5 PM.

You will be most fertile at the mid point of each time period but if you want to get the most out of these periods I suggest you and your husband book this time to make mad passionate love. A four-day party for two will certainly help you bond your relationship on several different levels. The most fertile months are May, June and August next year.


Astrology teaches us that there are different times of the year that highlight specific areas within that topic such as Dating, Breaking Up, Chance Encounters, etc. Visit Relationship Planner

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