Sunday, 5th May, 2024

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: From SongBird


I'm a singer ..and I had my chart done by an astrologer.. I have read that singer's are strong only in Taurus ..Its kind of weird to me because I'm not a Taurus but my sun in Virgo falls in the seventh house which is a Venus house, I do know that Taurus is on the cusp of my 3rd house and I've also read that my planet mercury also has something to do with the vocal cords as well, I don't know which to draw from.. Can you put it all into perspective for me .. I was born September 2, 1972, at 6:18 PM.


Dear Songbird

The sign Taurus ruling the voice is a Sun Sign accusation. Astrology is far more complex than that. There are many factors that contribute to a person's chart that can help determine where their talents lie. In your case with the sign Taurus ruling your third house of communications and the Planet Venus the ruler of the sign Taurus being in your sixth house in Cancer well aspected to your natal Neptune the planet of creativity in an area of your chart that is an extension of your third it all makes perfect sense that you might like to do something creative and use your vocal cords in order to get your message out. Hopefully you aren't just singing but writing and composing as well. If you aren't you should be. Having your natal Moon in your fifth house of entertainment and creativity well aspected to your natal Sun and Mars should also give you the dynamics you need to excel however you should also consider a partnership with other musicians, songwriters etc as this may help you reach your set goals. Hope this helps you a little. Just keep in mind that your chart is as unique to you as your fingerprint.


Article: From Marie

Dear Eugenia

I have separated from my husband after 14 years of marriage and I have been seeing another man for 15 months now. My ex was very jealous and controlling and his selfishness killed all the love I had for him. He was born on November 5 1955.

My present lover was a longtime acquaintance and we got together as my marriage was ending. He was born on September 26 1966.

I have always had a strong attraction to this man from the first time I saw him and my ex could see it somehow and it caused a lot of frictions in our marriage. Nothing ever happened between the other man and me until I became desperately unhappy and sought him in the last months of my marriage. He brought back laughter and joy into my life and I feel happy in his company. He is divorced and has a teenage daughter. We have a very discreet relationship for many reasons but now I wish we could take it to another level.

Could you please tell me if this relationship will lead to a commitment or if there is another man for me in my future? I am very careful whom I mingle with because I have two children that I want to keep safe. My present boyfriend has known them from birth and has been good and caring towards them.

Hoping to hear from you soon.
Thank you.

Dear Marie

Firstly, kudos to you for having the strength and courage to move on and getting away from a controlling and unloving marriage and for thinking of your children first.

The comparison with your ex showed signs of both mental and physical abuse that you and your children shouldn't be subjected to. His possessive obsession at an emotional level is something he was born with and shows clearly in his chart. In short he needs professional help to overcome this problem however he is the personality type that probably would never agree to that sort of therapy.

Your current relationship is not the best or most suitable match up for you long-term and is probably much better kept as a family friend. Unfortunately according to your astrological comparison with him there is evidence that he has the potential to be emotionally deceptive with you. I do believe that you have some karma with this man however and that it is likely he has served his purpose. Your chart indicates that you are in a high cycle regarding love this year and that it is important for you to get out and meet new people, however if you are tied up too tightly with your Libra man you aren't likely to experiment with potential partners. You match up well to those born under the signs Aries, Leo, Virgo, Libra and Aquarius. Should you want to give this relationship more time your next favorable cycle for love and romance will begin late next year and continue through the first three quarters of 2009.


Article: Run!

Dear Eugenia,

I wrote in a few months back and (thankfully!) I got a reply from you suggesting that I take advantage of my high cycle regarding educational pursuits during from July till next year and I've done just that.

I've been offered a place in a teachers training college and will be doing a BSc (Education) from this July on for 4years. After which I'll have to fulfill another 4years bond teaching. Everything seems too good to be true and I'm all ready to take it but there's this nagging thought that I'm rushing into things. Is this chance of furthering my studies (and later a teaching career) a real break for me or it is just another illusion I've created for myself? I'm actually kind of lost. I've got tons of reasons why I should grab it (circumstances and financial support rendered if I take it up), but also tons of negative thoughts of 'What if's' popping up. My mind is basically a yo-yo between 'grab it' and 'leave it'.

What I'm really into is child psychology and I somehow feel that teaching being rather close to that subject, might be a good experience if ever I want to do a deg. on that area. Does my chart show that it's possible for me to do another deg. in psychology after this? Will I have another high cycle for education, 4yrs later?

Being a firm believer in astrology but having only limited knowledge of this art to do an accurate casting of my own fate, I really hope to hear from you again.

Thanks. :)

Dear Disillusioned

Take the opportunity and run. You have the planet Uranus in an area of your chart that deals with higher education and that is an indication that you will be a student of sorts throughout your life. What ifs are the very things that hold you back. It's time to forge ahead and learn all you can. Both teaching and child psychology are well suited to you and I do believe that you can and will do both. Stop pondering and get on with your life and your future. You will be in a high cycle regarding love and romance beginning in July. If you aren't already in a relationship keep an open mind and an open heart. You match up well to those born under the signs Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio Capricorn and Pisces.


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