Monday, 6th May, 2024

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: From Sagittarius

Hi Eugenia

I met a very special person (February 4, 1969) 4 years ago after having met her at work. Once we talked, we realized we had a lot in common between us and it was amazing how closely the pattern of each of our lives seemed so much alike from our childhood to the present. We knew from the beginning that we could be very good for each other and therefore, we became very close friends almost instantly as though we had known each other all of our lives. I discovered that I could open up to her, like no other person in my life, and tell some of my most intimate feelings and hidden fears that I had carried inside all of my life as she did with me. Ironically, I have always seemed to have the problem of letting myself get too close to people even though I have many friends, they are not intimate friends. As we became closer throughout the 4 years, I have felt myself becoming very scared of getting too close, being hurt and even left behind, without reason, so I in turn distanced myself from her more and more without an explanation. She became less interested in our friendship and it began to unravel for both of us due to the stress of it all. Since December of last year, we have not spoken at all and it has really been a very devastating experience for me. It has changed me as a person in so many ways. I wish very much that I could rekindle our friendship that I miss dearly, but I don't know what would be the right words to say or if we would be better to put this behind and both move on with our lives apart. I was born December 15, 1958 at 8:30 am. Thank you for guidance.


Dear Sagittarius

I believe that friendship is the operative word here. The comparison showed nothing more than that. It also revealed that there certainly is some mistrust, disillusionment or possible deception as well. Now that could have to do with the fact that you didn't even give her an explanation when you backed away. I fell that you have two choices and they are to move on and prepare to meet someone else who matches up to you much better physically and mentally or phone her up, be honest about your feelings and ask to resume the friendship. When I say friendship I mean just that. I believe that anything more would lead to trouble. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. If she isn't interested at least you'll know and can move on. You tend to match up to those born under the signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Aquarius (she is not a very strong Aquarius). It is apparent that you do much better with people who are much older or much younger than yourself. You will be in a high cycle regarding love next year so don't waste too much of your time trying to turn what you have with your Aquarian friend into anything more than a friendship at this point.


Article: Will He Respond?

Dear Eugenia,

I was born April 16, 1970 around 4:00 AM (give or take an hour). I have very deep feelings for a man born November 21, 1951. To make a long story short, I'm having a hard time moving on because I feel that he is my soul mate. A soul mate that life seems determined to keep from me...I know he felt something too and I believe he was as overwhelmed as I was by our connection. I know he had at least one hesitation - our age difference - he wasn't sure that he wanted to marry and become a father at his age. But I never asked for this...and I never implied it was a prerequisite for building a relationship together! In fact, he is the only man in the galaxy I'd give that up for without a second thought! Missing him the last couple of years is taking a toll on my health - emotionally and physically....If I wrote him in the next few weeks, do you think he'd be responsive, or has he truly let me go?

Breaking Heart

Dear Breaking Heart

You can get in touch with him between now and May of next year and he may respond. However, I feel that the outcome will probably be the same. I know that you feel an emotional attachment toward this man but there is some deception and disillusionment with regard to both yours and his feelings. The comparison did lack in many areas and I believe you would be best to put your favorable transits for finding love to better use by looking for someone new. You match up well to those born under the signs Virgo, Libra, Capricorn and Pisces.


Article: A Marriage Push

Dear Eugenia

I will be marrying a German guy this September. His birthday is August 28, 1970, at 6:20 pm. My date of birth is May 5, 1975, at 3:00 PM. Our wedding is scheduled for Sept 23, Sunday. We've been going out for 1 yr and 2 months and overcome our language barriers. We finally decided to get married. However, what I'd like to know is...should I marry him?

When I first met him, I was attracted to him. He spoke to me first in poor English and that's how he took my heart away. He's tall and good-looking. He's always nice to women so I'm always worried. Also, he doesn't tell me what he thinks. We have been living together for about one year. Since both of us are working, when we get home, he just stays in his computer room. About sex, I always have to ask him because he doesn't take initiative. We have sex about 4 to 5 times a month. Sometimes, I want to have it but it seems that he doesn't care. I feel like I'm asking too much. And I'm worried...

However, I saw him browsing through porn sites several times. Plus, when we need to make a decision, he always lets me do everything. It doesn't matter whether he likes it or not. In the beginning, I thought that he was nice so he let me do whatever I want. But now, I'm sick of this... When he said that he had to go to workshops for his company, I'm always worried too. He always says that I'm pretty but he doesn't take initiative for sex, I 'm afraid that some other beautiful women might ask him out. Sometimes, I can't sleep because of this but it seems he doesn't realize my situation. Our wedding day is coming soon but I'm still worried. I don't want to lose him, but I'm afraid that I may give up because I'm too tired. If possible, please give me some advice.

At Odds

Dear At Odds

I don't know why either one of you is pushing to get married. It is apparent that you have issues to resolve before you decide to step into matrimony. The comparison does indicate a lack of sexual attraction. His chart denotes sexual confusion at an emotional level with his natal Moon square his natal Jupiter in his eighth house. With his natal Venus in his eighth house as well sextile to his natal Mars I would imagine that he definitely has sexual desires. The question is how they manifest themselves with his natal Saturn and his natal Neptune squaring his natal Mars. He needs to determine what turns him on and whether or not you can provide him with what he desires and vise versa. I suggest that you get into sexual counseling as a couple before you take the next step. Communication is required in order to sort through your problems. It doesn't mean that your relationship can't work but like any other relationship nothing is perfect and it's best to sort out what you can before you decide to make a life long commitment to one another.


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