Monday, 6th May, 2024

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: What's My Sign

Hi Eugenia!

I often visit your site and get advice...However, I have one question, hoping that you would help me to clarify. It's about my sign. I was born on Nov 22, 1982, at 10:11 pm. However, I'm not sure my horoscope sign is Scorpio or Sagittarius. In different magazines, some classify as Scorpio, some as Sagittarius. Thus, I'm checking both of them. Of course, in AstroEast, it comes out as Sagittarius. Can you tell me which one and why? Then, I can tell people when they ask me what my sign is. I wish to hear from you soon and I will continue to visit your site often like before.

What's My Sign

Dear What's My Sign

Your sign is most definitely Sagittarius. Not only do you have your natal Sun placed in that sign you also have your natal Mercury, Venus, Uranus and Neptune in Sagittarius. Regarding your Scorpio influence you only have your natal Jupiter in that sign therefore you can safely say that you are a full fledge Sagittarius when someone asks. In order to figure out what sign a person is there birth time must be accurate. When born around the time that the Sun moves from one constellation to another only the time of day can determine whether that person will be born under one sign or the other, in your case there is no contest, it is definitely Sagittarius. The reason that it can be very confusing is that from year to year the Sun may move into the next constellation a day ahead or a day behind the set dates that are used in the daily horoscopes. When I started writing daily columns I would use the actual date in the paper that the Sun changed signs but many readers complained because as far as they were concerned the set dates were the only ones to consider. Unfortunately most people born on the cusp will never know for sure unless like yourself you have your chart calculated out to the exact time. This is easy to do by using my or web site. By the way you came very close to having a Stellium in your chart, (A grouping of planets in one area of the zodiac. Multiple conjunctions. A collection of five planets or more in a close proximity to one another.) you have four planets conjunct in Sagittarius, the fifth is not.


Article: From gabituca

Dear Eugenia,

I am really lost in my life and I don't know what to do. I was born on 03/21/1967 at 1:00am. Two years ago I left my country to live in Mexico together with my daughter (06/16/1989-7:26pm). We lived there for almost one year and we were happy. After some time I met a men who lives in US and we got married. Now we are living in US but the situation is very difficult for me and my daughter. Because my husband (01/31/1959-2:50 am) is only permanent resident here, we have to wait for the immigration process between 5 and 7 years. Meanwhile my daughter and I cannot have a legal status and it was impossible to find other ways to be legal. This means that I cannot work legally, I am 100% dependent of my husband, I feel very lonely and depressed. We don't have family around, we don't have friends. My husband is a very difficult man, grumpy, without any sense of humor, the macho style, stingy, he wants somebody to take care of him, to cook for him, to respect him, he needs a woman that can replace his mother. I caught him right after the wedding, last year, by mistake, that he receives a lot of emails from a lot of women, very loving know...I was very hurt and upset for a long time. He lived alone for many years and he told me that he was looking for a relationship and even after he said to everybody that he is married and happy now, these women are still writing to him and he doesn't know what to do with them. Can you believe that? Because I didn't...his behavior with my daughter is very bad. He is very rude with her. She is a very nice teenager, brilliant at school, very smart. Everybody loves her except him. She is doing all the time a big effort to please him, but nothing seems to be right for him. He recognizes that she is very intelligent but always he says that she is not doing enough and he puts a lot of pressure on her. I tried hundreds of times to explain to him that his behavior is wrong, but he still thinks he is perfect and his skills like a parent are perfect. In my opinion he doesn't have any skills and he doesn't want to learn anyway.

He was very sick in the last months, he had open heart surgery, and I helped him a lot in his recovery...he was not able to do anything by himself...Even if he recognizes that me and my daughter were very close to him during all this hard time that he had, his behavior doesn't the same grumpy, rude and without manners person.

My daughter and I?are thinking to leave him, but the problem is that we don't have anywhere to go. We cannot return to Mexico, because we don't have anything there anymore, and is the same situation for my country too.

I would not like to divorce (it will be the third one in my life), I really want to work out this relationship, I really want to help him learn how to be a nice person, I really want to have a nice family...He tells me that he loves me, but it seems to be so difficult for him to show that...

What do you see in my horoscope regarding this situation? Do you think that I will be able to find the way to fix all this problems? I don't want to see my daughter unhappy...I don't want to be unhappy too... what do you think about that?

Thank you very much,?

Dear gabituca

The astrological comparison that you have with your husband really is quite good. There is some sorrow in an area that deals with children. I believe that his problem is that he was used to living alone and although he craved having a woman in his life a ready made family was not really what he wanted. He fell in love with you and your daughter was something he had to tolerate. It isn?t that he has a bad comparison with her ? in fact it is actually quite favorable however the problem is he can?t wrap his head around the idea of having to deal with the normal life changes that having a teenager around the house brings with it. For you i

Article: Time to Move On

Dear Eugenia,

Help please! I am 33, 26.05.67, at 9:00 AM, my boyfriend is 16, 05.06.84, and we knew each other before we got together. We are so good together except for the age difference. I believe we are soul mates and that we will be in each other's lives forever. I also know that I have to let him go to get on with his life. I love him so much and so much want us to be together, my heart breaks at the thought of losing him. Is it possible that he will get a life then we can get back together in a few years time? We have such a powerful and strong relationship but I know he must go and get some life experience, I feel so confused by what my head and heart say. He has had a hard life and is too mature for his years, but we have so much in common and this is part of the strong bond that we have together. I know that he loves me. However, we both agree that we should end this relationship, but we are finding it difficult to let go.

Older Woman/Younger Man

Dear Older Woman/Younger Man

Let's get real, the comparison was not that great. I feel that what has happened between you is that you both filled a void in one another life for a brief moment in time. Both your charts indicate that it's time to move on. If you can maintain a friendship fine but you are best to cut it off and go your own way. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with older women and younger men or vise versa but in this case there is an element of emotional deception and really the comparison is more like a friendship that has gotten out of hand. Now I'm not saying that it can't work or that it won't some day in the future but I am saying that right now you both need time to move on and experience new people, places and things. Your chart indicates that you are moving into a high cycle regarding love and romance during the second half of next year. Currently and until that time you will be in a cycle conducive to meeting people who can help you get ahead. You should be focusing on your work, getting ahead and meeting new people. As for him it is apparent that he is in a high cycle regarding love and romance even now and that it is important for him to grasp the moment and enjoy his teenage years. He is highly changeable right now as well as vulnerable to your needs so it will be left up to you to force the issue. If you don't I'm afraid he will find someone new and try to appease you at the same time and this could lead to an emotional disaster for both of you.


Astrology teaches us that there are different times of the year that highlight specific areas within that topic such as Dating, Breaking Up, Chance Encounters, etc. Visit Relationship Planner

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Birthday / Numbers

May 6th 2024
Happy Birthday: Pay attention to detail this year. The little extras you apply to whatever you do will benefit the outcome. Personal improvements, as well as helping others, are featured. The payback will encourage you to make changes that allow you more time to recognize and take advantage of opportunities. Deal with responsibilities directly and swiftly to ensure you have time to do what makes you happy. Your numbers are 8, 12, 23, 29, 31, 38, 47.

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