Wednesday, 1st May, 2024

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: What's With Saturn?

Dear Eugenia,

What is your opinion about having Saturn in one's 7th House? I have had such bad luck with love relationships that it feels almost hopeless. Does Saturn have anything to do with it?


Dear Lisa

Having Saturn in your seventh house can bring stability, security and lasting love or it can cause the lack there of. It is usually dependent on the way the rest of your natal planets aspect your natal Saturn as well as how the transiting planets are positioned to your natal Saturn at any given time that will determine which way the pendulum will swing. On the whole your natal chart indicates that you have your natal Saturn opposite your natal Sun, Uranus and Pluto and trine your natal Mars and Neptune. This is not all that bad and certainly wouldn't cause a total lack of romantic opportunity. However, you also have your natal Moon in your seventh squaring your natal Jupiter and opposite your natal Sun, Uranus and Pluto. This to me would be the greater cause of relationships not working out for one reason or another. You are currently in a high cycle regarding relationships but if you aren't getting out and meeting new people it won't happen. You match up well to those born under the signs Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces. Part of your problem as well is the build up of planets in Virgo in your first house opposite your seventh house. You tend to be careful in love and are not likely to settle for anyone that doesn't live up to your standard. You are more likely to meet potential partners while traveling, taking educational or interest courses or through friends. Stop being so hard on yourself. There is nothing wrong with waiting for the right person.


Article: Lay Down the Law

Dear Eugenia

Hi, I came across your site from newspaper and I often look at my daily horoscope. I'm not sure whether I can consult this kind of personal problems and I don't know whether Eugenia really reads this letter...but I'm still write to you. I'm a divorced woman living with my daughter and my mom.

I'm suffering from the financial burden that was created by my ex-husband. I borrowed money from my friends when I married with him. I borrowed the money because of him, but he is unable to return the money. Now we are divorced, but I still need to pay the money back. His parents are financially ok so I went to ask for their help. But it is useless. They don't want to help. What should I do? How can I get out from this burden? Please give me some suggestions... I was born October 1, 1967, at 2:30 PM.

Caught in a Mess

Dear Caught in a Mess

I read all the letters I receive and although I wish that I could answer each and every one of them it is of course impossible. As for you it's time to move forward and take action. This ex-husband of yours owes you more than just the money he asked you to borrow from your friends. If he is the father of your child he should also be helping you with the financial burden of raising his daughter. I suggest that you go back to his family and lay down the law. Tell them that you will take legal action if necessary in order to clear up this financial mess that their son has left you in. Your chart indicates that you could easily come into money by using legal tactics to do so between now and the spring of next year. Talk to your friends and see if you can get them to support your actions by signing a petition to the family stating your case and why they should honor their son's debt. You should also, if you know where your ex-husband is, send him the same notice so that he knows that you are now going after his family. If this man has any scruples whatsoever he will spare his family the grief of a legal suit and start paying back. You can't just sit back and let this man get away with this. I feel strongly that you can win if you are forceful, to the point and get a little legal aid.


Article: A Good Time To Start Over

Dear Eugenia,

I am a Taurus, 17 May 1971, 2:28 GMT Newcastle upon Tyne, England. For the past year I feel as though my life has been shaken to the very foundations. I divorced my womanizing, lying, cheating Arian husband and I resumed my Masters Degree at university. I am normally such a reserved person but these days I seem to be controlled by higher things. I know my Saturn return is coming up and my chart may be affected by the recent build up of planets in my sign.

However, after all of this cosmic clearing out in my life I feel as thoughit's all been an anti-climax. What is the likely affect of these planetary configurations on my chart? I feel something good will come of it but feelas though I'm denying myself the true experience of it all. Thanks for the great site by the way, I've been here since 98.

Starting Over

Dear Starting Over

I feel that you will see the affects of the planets moving through your sign when transiting Jupiter and Saturn conjunct your natal Sun and Saturn. You have obviously been doing what you are supposed to be doing with your Saturn return, that being, reevaluating your life up to this point and making the changes necessary to make your life and yourself better. Your chart will be going through some nice cycles throughout this year where legal and financial matters are concerned. Educationally you are coming into a really nice high cycle for the course of the next few years and you should be following this direction through apprenticeships, travel, courses or self-improvement. You have a lot to look forward to. It's time to focus on yourself and that is exactly what you are planning to do. The sign Aries isn't necessarily a bad sign for you to get involved with however this sign can bed bounce. If you meet another one, don't rule him out but do a comparison and make sure that you don't have any negative or deceptive aspects. You also match up well to those born under the signs Cancer, Virgo and Capricorn.


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