Thursday, 2nd May, 2024

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: Past Loves

Dear Eugenia,

When I was a child I seemed to be able to do everything without effort. I was a success at most anything I tried. Then my parents separated when I was a junior in high school and things just fell apart for me. I feel like a loser. People tell me I am a strong person, and I try to be, but I feel that somehow I am wearing a mask and pretending. I don't feel strong. I have flunked out of college and am working in a retail job that isn't challenging. I tried taking a couple classes, but dropped out.

My relationships are really messed up. I have been seeing and living with a wonderful person for the past two years. He loves me and is wonderful to me, but I don't feel that I love him the way I should. I checked our romance compatibility with your site and found that I was what he was looking for (79 percent), but he was only 51% for me. I am afraid to say anything to him about this because I don't want to hurt his feelings. In the compatibility report it said that I could only survive in a balanced and harmonious atmosphere. I don't want that to be true.

I also keep thinking about someone who I loved in the past. This was not a safe relationship as he kept leaving me, but I feel like I was more in love with him although the compatibility report looks similar to the relationship I'm in now. He did come back and said he loved me, but I was too afraid. Now I'm thinking I might have made a mistake.

I am afraid to be alone, but I'm also afraid to be married because I don't want to end up hating someone I once loved. Is there anything in my chart that can explain any of this and is there any hope for my future? Is either relationship something I should pursue or should I just try it on my own?

I was born on September 27, 1980 at 12:47 pm. The guy I am with now was born on June 13, 1978 and my past love on May 17, 1981 in the late morning or early afternoon.

I would appreciate any help you could give me, please!

Dear Undecided

You are moving into a period of make it or break it where relationships are concerned and you are also in a period where past lovers can come back into your life. Although both comparisons are okay I fear that your motives are wrong. You are going through a period of uncertainty and you shouldn't choose to be with either right now. You will be in a much better position at the end of 2002 and the summer and fall of 2003. Until that time you should probably get to know yourself a little better. Discover what other partners have to offer and play the field a little. You need more experience before you should settle down.


Article: From Aquarius

Hello Eugenia!

I'm a female Aquarian with a Sagittarius moon and Pisces ascendant. I'm wondering what to do with my life. I quit work last December because, while I was good at what I was doing, I wasn't happy. I'm wondering if I should push myself in a more creative direction, but money is tight. I'm actually terrified of what I think I want - my family and friends would not like it, also, I've grown accustomed to using hope as an excuse to look forward to the future: Maybe one day I'll be doing something I like and getting rewarded for it.

I think life would be much easier if we were born with little instruction books which told us our life expectancy, where to find our partners, how many children we might have - if any, what job we were designed for and a step-by-step breakdown of our destiny; maybe wanting instructions is laziness, but I'm exhausted from living. I probably think too much. I went for a reading recently and I was told that I need to take a break... but I am taking a break and it's not helping me figure anything out.

Any clues to what's eating me or where I should go, what I should do?


Hello Aquarius

You aren't the only Aquarius who is confused right now but nothing so serious that a little creativity and following your dreams can't fix. We were all born with what I like to call a road map of our lives. That is what an astrological chart is. You my friend were born with a splash chart and that makes you quite capable of doing many different things. You are coming into lots of changes over the next few years especially where vocation, studying and traveling to distant lands are concerned. Your chart indicates many creative interests in which entertaining is one of them. You are the one who holds yourself back - no one else. You must be true to yourself and pursue the type of career that will make you happy. If you read my work on a regular basis you have probably heard me say many times that the prerequisite to happiness is doing the right thing at the right time for you.

You are coming into your first Saturn return next year and this is what I refer to as the maturing time in a person's life. It is very common for you to be reevaluating your life and your future direction. This is a pivotal period, a time to size up what you have done with your life up until this point and what the possibilities are for the future. This is your decision - no one else's and you have to make the alterations that will please you the most. If you want to pursue something creative the next couple of years is the time to do so. Don't look back too long or you will waste the opportunity to follow your heart. Take the plunge and give yourself a chance to find your niche. The worst case scenario is not trying to achieve your dreams and looking back in fifteen years when you go through your second half-life Saturn and you say to yourself could of, should of would of. Don't fall victim to having regrets because you didn't take the initiative - just do it - the time is right.


Article: The Skills to Pay the Bills

Dear Eugenia

I have a problem... my mom is falling apart. My older brother is making my mom's life hell. I try to comfort her but she is in great pain. I am leaving in 5 days, to live with my boyfriend. I don't want to leave my mom. But I am 20 years old and it's time for me to move on with my life, and grow to be a stronger person. I can't protect her from him and I am scared what he will do to her when I am not there for her. I love my mom very much and what my brother is doing to her is killing me inside and out.

I know that this letter is not very spiritual, but I was hoping for a little advice on what I could do for my mom. My mom was born December 13,1957. I was born April 19,1980, at 4 AM. All I want is help!

Mother Love

Dear Mother Love

Without your brothers birth data it's hard for me to know what he is capable of doing. Regarding your mother she has to be the one to say no to him, not you. Until your mother is ready to practice tough love nothing will change. If he continually does things to hurt her she should not allow him access to her home. She must protect herself; you can't do that for her. You have to make your own choices and follow your own dreams. Your chart indicates that a move is apparent however you may be able to entice your mother to follow suit and move closer to you sometime next year. Your chart indicates that you should be able to do well in the work force. You have lots of good ideas and certainly the energy to reach your goals. You didn't submit your boyfriend's chart so I can't really make a comment on how well you'll do together. You must not let him stand in the way of your goals. It will be important that you learn the skills necessary if you want to advance professionally. Don't sell yourself short. You are bright, have social skills and can do very well given the right background. Your versatility and charm will help you get ahead.


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One of the most important areas in our lives concerns love and romance. Astrology teaches us that there are different times of the year that highlight specific areas within that topic such as Dating, Breaking Up, Chance Encounters, etc. Using Relationship Planner can give you more idea to maximize the success.

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