Thursday, 2nd May, 2024

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: Nothing Going Right

Dear Ms. Last,

This is not the first time I have written you, but I do understand that you have received an incredible amount of mail. I would like some astrological advice on your part. First, I was born March 21, 1972 at 12.50 am. In 1997, I decided to return to college and do my Masters Degree. I am currently writing the thesis and it feels never ending. I suffered from a depression last year with suicidal tendencies, although I did not go through with my actions. I have gotten help, but I've the feeling the cycle is not over. Recently, my car was crashed into and declared a total loss by the insurance company. I cannot afford a new one, as my debt is already quite large. I lost my reading glasses yesterday and don't know how I will afford a new pair. I do work, however the stress of my job has compounded as I have become my boss's "go to" person, even though I am only a part time office clerk and he has at least 5 full time girls on staff. I have started crying a lot again, and tend to be depressed and oh so overwhelmed. I feel I will never finish my thesis that is due in the fall, after 2 extensions. I try to remember the reasons I decided to return to school, but at present, I do not see the positive aspect.

In addition (like it had to get worse) I have been single a long time, and I am falling in love with my boss. We don't mention it, but we spend a lot of time together, and he's married. I know he is confused in his marriage. He was born December 8, 1959. Hence, my question is, will things get easier for me? I read my astrology regularly on your site, but I still feel I need to know that I have made the right decision, because at present, nothing seems right.

Thank you for your time and congratulations on a wonderful site. The regular additions are always fun.

What to Do

Dear What to Do

You have just been hit by your Saturn return. This is not only depressing but it makes you reevaluate everything that you have done up until this point of your life. Don't worry; some people have it sit with them for a long period of time. In your case it will only be there for another couple of weeks. Now that doesn't mean that it will be smooth sailing for you. Life doesn't work that way, but you should be able to start focusing on the more positive aspects of your life. The work and money area of your chart is in a high cycle and that means that you could probably find a new job that would be less stressful. You may have a thing for your boss but it probably isn't healthy for you to have to put up with him using you as his "go to" person and whatever else you allow him to use you for. You should be experiencing opportunities to meet someone new, preferably someone who isn't already attached. Regarding your thesis I suggest that you get working on it and get it out of the way once and for all. By the middle of the summer you are not going to want to do it. Later this year and well into next year you will be in a high cycle regarding romance again so you won't want to be sitting at home working trying to get your thesis out of the way. It's time to take control and set your game plan. Look for a new job, get the thesis out of the way and keep yourself available for potential relationships. You match up well with those born under the signs Aries, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. The problem with your Sagittarius is that he falls in an area of your chart that deals with secret affairs.


Article: Hard Times

Hi Eugenia

I am a single mom who has been looking for love a long time. Every time I get close the guy turns out to be a jerk. I am seeing some one now who is going thru a hard time with his ex-girlfriend. I am trying to be there for him but he doesn't trust me yet. Am I wasting my time? His birthday is April 15 1972 and mine is June 17, 1973, at 7:00 AM. Please help!!!!


Dear Gemini

I didn't feel that the comparison was great. With the Neptune Venus opposition I feel that you will have problems with him regarding his social activities as well as his views regarding children. If you want to give him some time fine but you will be coming into a high cycle regarding love and relationships beginning at the end of the summer. These transits can also promote pregnancy, weight gain and being overly sensitive. I believe that if you are still with your Aries friend that you will not be happy and that you may find yourself moving into a situation that will lead to you taking care of more children, him being one of them. You match up well to those born under the signs Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn.


Article: From Anda

Hello! Eugenia

First of all I would like to say that it is very good that you use your talant to help others. I like your site very much. I even can say that it has helped me a lot. Unfourtunatelly my problem is connected with love life. As you can see I am born in 21st of July in 1980 (6 AM). It comes out that I am cancer. I really feel like this sensitive person when it comes to love life. I have been dating with three guy during my life. All these love relationships were very idealistic and romantic. I really loved (i guess i still do in some way) these guys. Especially the last one - Arnis (born April 2 in 1978, 12.10 AM), which i can call my dream boy. He really was it until the beginning of this year. He changed. He said he loves me but he doubts. Doubts whether we should be together or not. It hurt me so much - that there are no tenderness or interest left. Now we are divorced for almost 3 months. I was the one who initiated it but i hoped that he will change his mind and will come back to me. He still says he doubts. We are not seeing each other, only communicating via e mail. Even theoriticaly I am free , i feel that he is not letting me go. He does nothing but also somehow keeps me in control. What should I do? If you would ask me- what do you want. I would say that I want to continue this relationship. I would like to fight for our love and future. But I don't want to do it on my own. I want to feel that he also wants it and that he loves me. The pity thing is that all previous relationships also ended in a way like this - O was the one who wanted to continue, but other person did nothing. But i admired them so much. Arnis is so different from me and that's why i adore him. He is so elegent, clever, interesting, also - loving and romantic. i can't imagine better guy. But when he doesn't have interest in me it hurts very, very much. I was thinking maybe something is wrong with the fact that emotionally i am like scorpio - the most deepest and possesive sign. I want to love in more light way! can i do something about it? it seems to me that then i would be more easy going lover, maybe that i would gain more attention from my loved ones because they would see that i am not depending on them so much. Now i feel that i cannot think about anything else than Arnis. I want to have loving and long lasting relationship so very much! but it seems that life leads me in different direction. what should i do? is there possibility that i could be happy with arnis? what should i do or change to get beautiful love life? Hope to hear from you very much!


Dear Anda

There is nothing wrong with being sensitive, warm and loving you just have to find the right partner, the partner who will appreciate you for who you are. The comparison with your Aries boyfriend wasn't that great and although he may be charming and all, he is also a bit of a player when it comes to women. He would have a hard time dealing with any women who was too possessive or clingy. You have qualities that lots of men would absolutely adore. You are being too hard on yourself. You are just 22 years old and you have your whole life ahead of you. You are going through a cycle that is wonderful for getting involved in worthwhile groups or organizations that you believe in. This is your time to get out and meet all sorts of new people. You should be building friendships and deciding in your own mind what it is that you really want in a partner. I think that if you are completely honest with yourself you will realize that you want someone who will be just as warm, loving and affectionate as you are. There will be plenty of opportunities for new partnerships to develop over the next twelve months so for you to dwell on the past or sit around waiting for your Aries man to change his mind would be a mistake. Human nature is to always want what you think you can't have. Let him go a

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