Thursday, 2nd May, 2024

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: A Baby With A Bottle

Dear Eugenia,

I have written to you a few times. I hope you can tell me what to do. I lost my mom on Nov. 13, 2000. I am very lost and lonely. I don't want to do anything but sleep. I have lived with my 3 year-olds father for 4 years. We don't get along very well. He is drinking a lot and also thinks I should be over the death of my mom already. He has two healthy parents, so he doesn't know what it is like. My dad was only given 1 to 3 months to live last week, because of cancer. My boyfriend (if that is what you call him) says I can pull myself out of this or die right along with them. He is no support to me. I know he is seeing someone else, but at this point I don't care. I just need some advice on what to do with the way I feel about life. I was born May 26, 1963, at 12 PM.



I can tell by the transits moving through your personal houses in your chart that you are at a turning point in your life regarding your partner. I feel that it is time to start thinking about the best way to make yours and your child's life better. You did not submit the birth data of either your child or the man you're living with therefore I can not explain his lack of support. My guess is that he can't face death himself therefore he is not able to justify the kind of loss that you are experiencing. It hasn't been very long since your mother died and with your father in the shape that he is in it must be extremely painful for you. You do however for the sake of your child have to handle your situation bravely. You should probably consider making a move in a positive direction (possibly away from your boyfriend) late spring or you should start talking to him about his insensitivity and telling him you need greater support and love if he expects you and your child to stay with him. Your depression and grieving you are experiencing will end but for now it is what you need in order to get through this most difficult period in your life. You were born with your natal Moon in the sign Cancer and this makes it very hard for you to let go when it comes to family members who are so dear to you.


Article: From Cancer

Hi Eugenia

Where do I begin, I'm 28 yrs old and have been looking for love. I've been out of a relationship for almost 2 yrs in which I was engaged to be married. This almost tore me apart but somehow I SURVIVED. I still have good and bad days but I think everything happens for a reason which takes me to my next point. I met a gentleman (born: February 21,1971) almost a year ago in which I was very attracted to and we became friends although I long for so much more however I know that his career is his first priority and anything else is on the back burner. I think that coming out of a very long and serious relationship I lack the confidence that I need in order to speak up and express what I feel as I fear rejection and this is what I tend to do with him.

I know that I want more than to be friends, is this something that you see in my future? b/c I don't have the nerve to ask him straight out and I want to know what direction my love life is going if anywhere. I was born July 4, 1975 at 6:45 pm.

Please help!!!

Hi Cancer

The comparison with your Pisces friend is okay but he does think like an Aquarius which means that he can be a little detached when it comes to emotional matters. He also has a strong Sagittarius influence and they are usually not all that interested in being tied down. You are very sensitive and the past couple of years you have gone through a difficult period regarding relationships and being able to trust. You are also going through your first Saturn return and this is making you reevaluate your life and what you have done with it up until now. Over the course of the next year you should be making changes that will better suit the direction you see yourself moving in. You did meet your Pisces friend at a good time so I?m not ruling him out but I do feel that you are probably a little more serious regarding your relationship and that you are also ready to start thinking about settling down where he may not have given it a thought as of yet. If you are going to approach him to see how he feels you may want to do so in July of this year. You will be in a high cycle again this fall where finding love is concerned so you have time to see where your current relationship is headed before you start looking for love elsewhere. You match up well to those born under the signs Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Pisces.



Article: From Feeling left out

Hi Eugenia

I'm considering divorce... my problem is my husband (Sept. 19, 1959.) still considers visiting a single woman, secretly, I always find out, and it hurts me, but he doesn't seem to care, cause as he puts in he isn't doing anything wrong. Well I feel betrayed. I also feel he has other secrets that he doesn't share with me. I could be wrong but I don't really know. My birthday is Feb. 15,1960. Hers is Feb. 26 1960. I kind of do believe they are friends but it still doesn't sit well with me nor do our children like it... Do you think that a divorce is the right thing for me to initiate at this time.. I seem to be running out of options.. Cause deep down I don't want a divorce I want my husband to appreciate & love me.

Thanks for listening............
Feeling left out

Hi Feeling left out

This is a very sticky situation. He matches up to you a little bit better than he does to his Pisces friend. His comparison with her does show some sorrow and on the other side his comparison with you does not indicate deception. I do believe that he is attracted to her and enjoys her company as a friend but I don't believe that he has taken it further. I feel however that she might try. With that in mind it does put you in a very difficult situation. If you nag him you will only make him move towards her. You may want to suggest however that anyone that is a friend of his should also be a friend to the family and have him invite her over for lunch or dinner. This way you get yourself and the children into the loop. At least from that position you can monitor the situation and protect your interests wisely. If he isn't interested in doing so you may want to play his game and find a male friend to spend some time with. After all what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Be smart about the situation. I believe you love him and that your family means enough to you to try to hold it together. If he truly believes in friendship with the opposite sex he should not have a problem with you having male companionship as well. I must caution you however that this can turn into a very dangerous situation especially if you happen to actually meet someone who fills the needs that your husband is obviously not fulfilling. The other approach will be for your children to voice their concerns and how they feel about being left out and that he should be spending the time he gives to his Pisces friend with them.


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