Friday, 3rd May, 2024

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: Too Much Too Young

Dear Eugenia,

I have a problem. I am sixteen years old, and I feel like I am forty. My mother is very sick, and I must take care of her, as well as attend school and achieve honor role. I work part time, but the income just isn't always enough to make ends meet. Lately my marks at school have been slipping... the stress is really getting to me, but I need good marks in order to get a scholarship, so I can get a decent education.

My problem is that my mother is mentally ill. She has the mental capacity of a three year old. I do have older brothers and sisters, but the responsibility of taking care of my mum has been put on my shoulders.

I really need some advice on my situation. A reply would be much appreciated. I was born August 18, 1982 at 7:27 PM.

Thank you,

Hi Moly

Your situation is not great and you have all the right in the world to feel sorry for yourself. You must put added pressure on your siblings in order to make them help out. It is their duty to do so. I suggest that you do consider talking to your mother's doctor regarding your options of a nursing home. I fear that if you don't get some support from family members that you may find yourself working full time and putting your education on hold and that would be a shame. Please write back and tell me more about your situation. Where is your father and do any of your siblings still live at home. What are their situations regarding age, marriage, position to help.


Dear Eugenia,

Thank you for answering my letter. You asked for more information about my family: my father passed away, when I was a little girl... too little to remember him, and after him, my mother never married again. I have eight older brothers and sisters, and though none of them live at home, they all live in the same city. They have their own problems - I am not blaming them for not helping me out... I just wish that they were a little more compassionate about my situation.

As for school, I haven't told any of my teachers about my present situation... although I am thinking that it might help quite a bit. Maybe there are some programs or something outside of school, so I can get a full time job, to support my family.

Well, I really don't know what to say... I am really starting to feel the stress, and none of my brothers or sisters are willing to help me out. I have tried to reason with them... but they have their own lives, and their own problems. I think part of it has to do with the fact, that none of them get along with my mother, they just don't have the patience. Only two of my siblings are married, the rest are either full time workers, or full time students.

Regarding the nursing home issue, I just don't feel right about it, no matter which way I look at it. I love my mum way too much to let anything happen to her. I suppose it would probably be better in the long run, but I am really hesitant about that. I am making it sound as though I have no support. In truth, a very special friend at school has been helping me out. We are in a Social Justice group together (that's how we met), and he's the only other person that knows about my situation. He sometimes comes over to take care of my mum when I am working, and he always has a shoulder to cry on. I just feel kind of bad, because he is such a good friend to me, and I have nothing to offer him except problems.

Thank you once again,

Hi Moly

You are offering your friend lots just by being a friend. You should talk to your teachers they may be able to help you out or at least have suggestions as to how you can continue to study and deal with your home situation. You can't give up your education to take care of your mom. She wouldn't want you to. There would still be the issue of how you would take c

Article: A Question Of Faith

Dear Eugenia

I would like to say how inspiring and insightful I find I regularly visit, to guide me in my day to day activities and to avoid any unpleasant situations, this has allowed me to live very happily and to be more focused.

I am considering getting married to my partner (6.5.67)Taurus.

When we met it was as though fate had brought us together and that everything that we both had wished for in a partner, had come true. Being together for almost 4 years we had to climb mountains and brave the dragons to reach the stars. And we both feel that it is fate that has given us the ability to strengthen the love we share. Side by side we share a dream.

I received a reading suggesting my partner betrayed me, I have expressed my concerns with him and he denies any such thing. But my intuition is shouting at me to investigate this further. Any insights you could share with me would be helpful in putting my thoughts into perspective so I can proceed with my plans.

Healthy, Wealthy and Wise.

Dear Healthy, Wealthy and Wise.

I must say that I believe you are overreacting and if you continue to do so your Taurus friend may get fed up and start to hide things from you for fear that you will overreact once again. There are usually several ways of interpreting a reading. I would assume that it had to do with transiting Neptune opposing your natal Moon. This can also mean that you are deceiving yourself at an emotional level. When writing short readings it is difficult to include all the alternatives. The comparison you have with your partner is okay but there wasn't a great amount of interaction between the two charts. You have to question whether this is your soul mate or just someone you have a close and comfortable connection to. If you are happy with the friendship you have built together so be it however if you are accusing him of betraying you I feel that you have greater problems. You are heading into your Saturn return and this will make you reevaluate your life and your motives. If you have questions about your partner now you should consider open and honest communication before you drive a wedge between the two of you.


Article: From Rejected Mom

Hi Eugenia

My Daughter, December,14th,1986, and? my son, August,20th,1988, are tearing me up inside.? We have had a very busy year, confusing and some-what unsettling. Now that a few of my accomplishments have been met, they are no longer apart of my daily life.? They are both so young, and they both need to grow up so fast. I am really hurting inside I cry, when I am alone, which is quite often the past few weeks. I do not see why this is happening to us. They rebel against my rules, but go live with others and abide by their stricter rules!! What is going on? Where is this all going to lead? Eugenia, you helped me before, I need you again. I need to know what I am doing so wrong. It really is killing me inside; help me to understand these challenges, and obstacles. Why can't they grow and prosper in my care? I was born April 20, 1970, at 2 am.

Rejected Mom

Hi Rejected Mom

You have a good chart and a very capable chart in so many ways however where children are concerned (having them, raising them) you have a Neptune Mars opposition that stands in your way. This causes uncertainty, confusion, and anger and it unfortunately hooks up to the Moon in both your children?s charts negatively. This means that there is emotional deception and disillusionment when it comes to the way they relate to you and you to them.

Your chart denotes that right now you should be focusing on career and moving in a direction that will help you grow and prosper financially and professionally. Your home environment continues to show weakness, deception and plenty of confusion until the spring of 2009. This may make it difficult for you to do the job necessary in order to raise your children. Your children do have a rebellious nature and if someone else can make the difference or help to get them through their growing years without too many incidence it will be a blessing. Consider yourself lucky that you have someone who can handle your children. As for you ? I know it must hurt but you have to do what?s best for all of you and in this situation I believe that as long as you can let your children know that you love them and you work hard in order to build financially so that you can provide extra?s for them that you will be accomplishing the best that you can.


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