March 6th 2025
Spend more time building a nest that is conducive to the lifestyle you want to live. A brick-and-mortar approach will stroke your ego and make you proud of your achievements. It's time to implement changes based on your needs instead of appeasing everyone else. Your happiness is your responsibility. 5 stars
Dear Eugenia,
I usually watch this web site for your advice. Your advice is always true. I am already married, but I don't want to have baby. I still cannot trust him. Maybe I am emotional bu ...
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March 6th 2025
Happy Birthday! Refuse to let emotional pressure get to you. Pour your energy into something concrete that contributes to your journey and enables you to utilize your attributes fully. Expand your interests, friendships, and knowledge to ensure you don't fall behind or lose perspective regarding the possibilities and rewards. Push forward with optimism and a can-do attitude, and you will outperform anyone who wants to compete with you. Your numbers are 8, 19, 23, 25, 34, 43, and 47.